Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is a natural alternative to plastic surgery, Botox, and laser/chemical peels.  This anti-aging procedure promotes the circulation of energy and blood in the face. Increased blood flow brings nutrients into cells and enhances collagen and elastin production. The benefits of this treatment include the reduction of wrinkles, sagginess, and the lifting of droopy eyelids. An overall rejuvenation is not confined to the client’s face. Clients will feel better all over.

What will be the benefits of this treatment?

  • Reduction of wrinkles and furrows

  • Helps to reduce bags and dark circles under the eyes

  • Lifting of the double-chin, jowls, and droopy eyelids

  • Enhanced collagen and elastin productions

  • Improves acne and other skin conditions

  • Improves sinus problems, headaches, toothache, TMJ

  • Relieves PMS and menopausal symptoms

  • Helps depression and aids self-esteem

  • Increased energy, clarity, and happiness

  • Helps insomnia

What will clients expect the results to be?

Many clients report a tightening sensation on their faces after their treatments. Their face appears more “lively” and there is the sparkle in the eyes.

A significant difference in their appearance can be ascertained following just a few treatments. One study in China showed that among 300 cases treated with facial acupuncture, 90% had marked beneficial results with only one course of treatment.

By the end of a series, the client should look and feel 5-10 years younger. The impression of relaxation and calm is more pronounced.

These results may vary slightly, depending upon how well the client has taken care of themselves during the process, and afterward

Will the results be immediately noticeable like Botox injections?

The results will not be as instant and drastic as plastic surgery or botox injections. What can be expected from our facial rejuvenation program is a more natural, healthier, and toned facial appearance.

How many treatments will I need?

Typically 10 consecutive treatments (once or twice a week) are necessary to achieve maximal effect. After an initial session, taking into consideration of other variables such as stress level, diet, lifestyle, and age, the practitioner evaluates the client’s response and can determine the number of follow-up sessions that will be required.

Will I need maintenance?

Within the normal parameters of aging, the completion of a series of treatments should be effective. To maintain the results, ongoing maintenance treatments are highly recommended.